19th Anniversary Free Link

6th June 2009 is my 19th marriage anniversary. I am in a good mood so I'm offering free links to 100 great blogs.

You will be added to the list as long as your blog doesn't related to gambling, adult content or sex related tips.

All you have to do is, just leave me a nice comment to make me feel happy.

If you want to make me feel happier, you may subscribe to my rss feed by clicking the rss feed button above or the button on sidebar then choose your reader at the top right hand corner of my feed page, and then leave a comment with your blog or site address.

This will not be going on forever though, so comment now. Feel free to tell your friends or stumble this, so you will get more new friends through this link in the future.

Thank you.


  1. Hi Hoshidan!
    I think your blog it's intersting, because of this I'm following you. Thanks for visiting me. My blog have a translator, if you have same problen.
    Congratulations for your marriage aniversary.

  2. Wow! 19 years! Congrats...I wish you another happy nineteen years...

  3. Congrats on your 19th wedding anniversary. I registered your RSS to my Google reader.

  4. blogwalking @ mid day, happy blogging. visit me back ok. Novian

  5. Congratulations on your 19th Anniversary ! Wishing you more years of happy marriage !

  6. Hi my dear friend thanks 4 the visit sorry i am late, just passing by with smile to say wish you a good day a head.....

  7. Nice way to catch the eye of fellow blogger's....

  8. Congratz for the Anniversary :) May Allah bless you always

  9. Congratulation, i am a newbie here, need support from all of you here thank you.

  10. CoNgRaTuLaTioNs On YouR 19th AnNiVeRsArY, You're The BeSt Sir....
    PleAsE TeAch Me.
    WiShiNg YoU MoRe YeArS oF HaPpy MaRriAge & Happy Blog6in6.

    Best Regard

    Reza Pahlevi

  11. u have an informative and wonderful site..great to be visiting u..oh by the way happy 19th anniversary and many more to come..

  12. 19th.. :) congratz.. :)
    thx for dropping by to my blog...

  13. Thanks for dropping by at http://antiscampaign.blogspot.com :)

  14. Hi, I have linked your site to mine and hope to be linked to your valuable site for ever. Hope you will do it friend.

  15. Hi, Hoshidan! You have a wealth of information here in your blog.
    Please include my link also. I am already a follower of your blog.

    Thanks! Have a nice day..


  16. hi pal first happy belated anniversary & happy anniversary 4 future ... sorry 4 delay as i am a newbie blogger & have just started to explore & i came across your site which is really filled with great resources i liked it i lot infact i am getting your RSS...Could u pls add a link of my site which is abt basics of blogging tips & tricks to blogger here`s the like --->
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