Detoxification Improve yourself and your Lifestyle

HAVE you suffered any illness recently? Are you prone to consuming excessive alcohol or caffeine? Are you a smoker? Then you could consider detoxification.
Our body is designed to detoxify itself, but if we overload ourselves with harmful toxins, our body may not detoxify itself as much. Since it has become virtually impossible to eliminate these dangerous chemicals from our environment, the best is to cleanse your body of these chemicals periodically through detoxification process.
Detoxification is a process by which we cleanse our body of toxins and harmful chemicals. It involves dietary and lifestyle changes that reduce the intake of toxins and improve their elimination.
These toxins come mainly from diet, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and environmental exposure, and are difficult to remove Detoxification is helpful in this process.
The human detoxification system consists of the respiratory (lungs, bronchial tubes, sinus and nose), gastrointestinal (liver, gall bladder, colon), urinary (kidney, bladder, urethra), skin and dermal (sweat, sebaceous glands and tears) and lymphatic (lymph nodes and channels) systems.

There are many different types of detoxification programme and all sorts of ways to cleanse the body of foreign substances and toxins, but a couple of those ways include full body detoxification, certain organ detoxification, and different types of flushes.
Here are some components of a detoxification programme:

Water is the main detoxifying agent in our body. It helps to clean our skin and kidneys, and improve sweating through exercise. Many of us are chronically dehydrated, and doctors recommend a minimum of eight glasses of water daily.
The next step is raw-food diet, this means consumption of more fruits and vegetables and less of proteins and fat rich red meat, milk products, refined food and fried food. Adding fiber to your diet will aid to detoxify your system regularly.
Another important component of detoxification is regular exercise. Exercise relieves toxins from the body by sweating and also helps in good bowel habits. Exercise improves our general metabolism.
Regular bathing also facilitates the body to get rid of toxins that accumulate on the skin, and opens the pores. Saunas and oil massages further help the body to cleanse completely.
By taking part in a detoxification diet program, one can effectively restore their health to an optimal level. When the body can eliminate toxins, then health is restored, and energy and vigor are revitalised.
Any program that supplements detoxification will improve health and are encouraged. Other factors that must be considered in detoxification are: nutrition, water, exercise, rest, sunshine, and fresh air. Overall detox diets can improve health and well being, just do your part to research which diet will work best for you.
Improve your health by getting rid of toxins that you carry around by detoxification.
Respiration: breathing helps eliminate by-products of metabolism such as carbon dioxide which balances the pH of your blood.
Liver: filters your blood and disposes toxins into your intestines to be excreted via your feces or into fat tissues to protect you from harmful levels of toxins in your blood.
Kidneys: filter and eliminate toxins and metabolic byproducts through your urine.
Sweating: our sweat eliminates toxins such as heavy metals and metabolic by-products.
Gastrointestinal: our digestive system processes and eliminates toxins and metabolic by-products through bowel movements.

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