My 22nd Marriage Anniversary Free Link

June 6, 2011 is my 21st marriage anniversary to my beloved wife Zakiyah. I am in a very good mood right now, so I'm offering free links to 50 great blogs.

Your blog's link address will be added to the list as long as it doesn't related to gambling, adult content or sex related tips.

All you have to do is, just leave me a nice comment to make me feel happy.

If you want to make me feel happier, you may click the Plus One Button, or subscribe to my rss feed by clicking the rss feed button above or you may follow me through google friend connect, and then leave a comment at the bottom of this post with your blog or site address for me to link you here.

This will not be going on forever though, so comment now. Feel free to tell your friends, hopefully you will get more new friends through this link in the future.

Thank you.

1. Creative Mind 2. Retro One Rugby Boutique
3. Its All About Life 4. Zuldandunia
5. eyla.razali. :) 6. Cracksevens!
7. Panggil Saya FADIA 8. This Life of Mine
9. Once a Sdarian... 10. Homemade Cakes And Chocolate
11. Cikgu Badarudin 12. Sesejuk Ais yang Sejuk...
13. Self Made Craft 14. It's Not East 2 b Me...
15. Jejak-jejak di Pantai Zaman 16. Omong Kosong
17. H.B. 18. EZ! Kurasakan Something...
19. Manusia SP Al-Kidali 20. Blog Sabri @ Teh Bri ~ Mendidik dan Berbakti
21. FresH TipS AnD TrickS 22. mnsar blog
23. 24.
25. 26.
27. 28.
29. 30.
31. 32.
33. 34.
35. 36.
37. 38.
39. 40.
41. 42.
43. 44.
45. 46.
47. 48.
49. 50.


  1. Congrats ..happy Anniversary..Masha'Allah you both are looking lovely cute couple..i pray to Allah,you may live long for soooo many years,,, 21000000000 more years *(*
    take care & enjoy :)

  2. Tahniah...bukan senang nak mencapai tahap ini...malah ada yang 1 tahun sudah berantakan..inikan pula 21tahun fuh..cayalah..semoga bahagia selamanya...insyaalah...:)

  3. salam.
    happy anniversary.
    such a great couple. :)

  4. 20+ dah sebaya dgn sy...congrats. moga jodoh berpanjangan

  5. tahniah. semoaga berkekalan dan berpanjangan. amin. :)

  6. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. I will add you as a google friend. I am new to the blogging world and looking to connect with people from around the world. My blog address is:

    Thank you


  7. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary.

  8. Tahniah. Selamat Ulang tahun perkahwinan dan salam perkenalan.

  9. wah..tahniah..sudah 21tahun..bahagianya..
    semoga akan lebih bahagia hingga ke cucu cicit

  10. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary.May Allah SWT bless u :)

    Self Made Craft

  11. congrateson your anniversary, and terima kasih juga sebab sudi singgah blog saya... semoga sentiasa berada di bawah lindungan berkat ALLAH S.W.T.. amin...

  12. Salam ziarah dengan ucapan keberkatan dan salimah untuk saudara berdua daripada Allah swt. Semoga perjalanan hidup dipenuhi kebaikan kepada diri dan juga orang lain.

  13. congrats to you...happy 21st anniversary..ur beloved wife name similar to my late mum...i do love that name..may Allah bless both you & your family :)

  14. Congrats on your wedding anniversary. May Allah bless you and your family. :)

  15. salam...
    Tahniah! saya dah add sebagai followers.

  16. Salam Sabtu.

    Tuan Hj Roshidan Rashid yang prihatin lagi budiman.

    Selamat Meraikan Hari Ulang Tahun PerNikahan Tuan Hj BerSama Puan Hjh Zakiyah Yang Ke 21. Semuga Hubungan Mesra Dan KeBahagiaan Yang DiKecapi Bersama Puan Hjh Dan Keluarga TerSayang BerKekalan Hingga Ke Syurga, Insya'ALLAH.

    Salam BerSatu.

  17. salam,
    Alhamdulillah. Semoga sentiasa dalam Rahmat ALLAH SWT.

  18. congrates...
    God may bless u both...
    My blog url:

  19. Tahniah & thanks coz visit blog saya.
