Cholestrol - How Low Can You Go?

AS far as cholesterol is concerned, the lower the better.

A HIGH cholesterol level is known to increase one's risk of having a heart attack or stroke. However, in our efforts to lower cholesterol levels, how low should you go?

Consultant cardiologist Datuk Dr Khoo Kah Lin said the lower, the better of the bad cholesterol; especially for people who have other risk factors.

The bad guy here is the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), the type of cholesterol that clogs up your blood vessels.

People at higher risk of heart attacks include those who have already had one, persistent cigarette smokers, people with constant chest pain (angina), those who have had an angioplasty or bypass surgery, and poorly controlled hypertension or diabetes.

Making a Budget and Keeping It

BUDGET is simply a plan on how to spend your money. It's a way to balance the money you have with the money you spend.

You create a plan by making choices. You decide on what you will spend the money on, how much money you want to spend, and how much money you want to save.

Your plan is based on your income and expenses. Since every person's income and expenses vary, your plan needs to fit your situation. Your budget is based on your goals, needs and wants.

Let's take a look at some examples:

Own a Car Food Fine dining
Own a Home Shelter Resort-like bungalow
Get Married Clothing Expensive branded clothes
Set up a business Quality time with family Expensive vacations
Provide good education to children Car/ Motorcycle Luxury car
Retire comfortably Mobile phone Latest full-featured phone
Contribute to charity Computer Most advanced computer
Etc, etc, etc...

A Touch of History - Best of Penang

PEARL of the Orient, Penang needs no further introduction. Ranked as one of Asia's most famous islands, Penang is a fusion between old and new; local and Western; oriental and colonial. The turtle-shaped island is a bustling port, a heritage city and an industrial area. The modern Penang embraces modernity while still holding close her traditions and old-world charm. Come to this obviously charming island of natural beauty, exotic heritage, culture and delightful cuisine.

Explore the heritage trails

Considering her colourful history, evident from the many structures and pre-war buildings still standing strong, the best way to discover Penang is to go on the heritage trail. There are several well-developed trails in and around George Town, with many heritage buildings. Discover the trails either on foot, on a tricycle or a four-wheeler. Some of the must-cover spots are:

Fort Cornwallis

The fort marks the point for Sir Francis Light's historic landing decades ago (i.e,1786). One of the first European structures on the island, Fort Cornwallis is today a privately managed cultural venue. It is fitted with a new ornamental wooden gate and is complete with an observation tower at the main entrance, a history gallery, cannons, and a handicraft and souvenir shop. There is also an open-air amphitheatre, where local music and dance festivals are frequently staged.

Ramadhan and The Choice for Higher Productivity

RAMADHAN, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar is also commonly known as the fasting month. During this month, muslims abstain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset besides observing other religious do's and don'ts. But Ramadhan is more than just fasting.

It is a holy month where good deeds can earn multiply rewards, and past sins are forgiven. Done right, Ramadhan teaches the virtues of patience, tolerance, compassion, and moderation, among others. It is an opportunity to practise self discipline, to cleanse the body and mind, to ask for forgiveness, and to forgive and forget. And in this sacred month, fasting also helps Muslims to feel at peace. This comes from spiritual devotion, as well as brotherhood with fellow believers and a sense of solidarity with fellow non-Muslims.