Flip PDF

FLIP PDF is your easy way to batch convert ordinary PDF files into stunning Flash & HTML5 publications that run on all devices (iPad, iPhone, Android phone), with amazing page-flipping animations and sound! Imagine being able to create digital magazines and catalogs that behave like actual paper books without any programming work! Once you've created your page-flipping masterpiece in Flip PDF, you can publish it to the web, via email, and even distribute it on CD-ROM, all without paying royalties!

Create a real flipping effect eBook in minutes

With the easy-to-use interface, you can create Adobe Flash and HTML5 realistic page flip eBooks in less than 10 minutes. Simply import a PDF book and choose a pre-designed template, you can generate an inspiring professional flipping magazine or brochure with ease. No coding and design skill needed! - Download free trial at http://www.flipbuilder.com/

How It Works

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