WordPress Hosting

Advertising Banner Rotator Script

The internet is really a huge resources of information and knowledge and definitely can't be denied. During my studying time, computer and internet are still at their early stage. I still remember in 80's while I was studying at the Seoul National University, Korea in engineering, only a few computer languages were available.

The computer language has tremendously developed and it includes codes and scripts. To develop softwares for computer and the internet it needs knowledge regarding computer languages, codes, scripts and so on, but for now we leave it to the experts.

There is an immeasurable amount of resources that we could obtain from and also information and knowledge that we could spread through (and advertisements are part of it). Many site provides web tools and scripts that can be use or implemented on our sites. We may make use some of these resources from the Internet which could benefited us.

For example this banner rotator scripts. For instance, when we have many ads to be published but we have only limited space or probably we don't want our site to be so crowded with ads, we may use this banner rotator script to do the trick.

Get the script from
Choicewebtools or copy the scripts below and paste it on to your blog template with some modification that suit your need. For beginners like me, this is the way to learn and to improvise my website using their scripts and web tools.



var how_many_ads = 3
var now = new Date()
var sec = now.getSeconds()
var ad = sec % how_many_ads;
ad +=1;

//**************************** AD NUMBER ONE ****************

if (ad==1){


alt="Advertiser Number One";



//**************************** AD NUMBER TWO ****************

if (ad==2) {


alt="Advertiser Number Two";



//**************************** AD NUMBER ONE ****************

if (ad==3) {


alt="Advertiser Number Three";



document.write('<a href=\"' + url + '\" target=\"_blank\">');
document.write('<img src=\"' + banner + '\" width=')
document.write(width + ' height=' + height + ' ');
document.write('alt=\"' + alt + '\" border=0><br>');

Another way to rotate our advertising banners is to use the Traffic Exchange Tool. However we have to register first and as free member we can rotate up to 10 advertising banners. The banner below is applied using the traffic exchange tool. Reload the page to see the effect.

Try it and Good Luck!

Search Amazon.com for banner maker


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