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How I Get Downlines - The Experiment

You could have the best Website in the world but without visitors, your site is nothing. So how could we get those visitors, especially the unique visitors? The visitors that are looking or searching for something that they are interested in. We need unique visitors to our site if we want to sell products or to earn commission from affiliates or to get downlines.

Unique visitors are measured according to their unique IP addresses, which are like online fingerprints, and unique visitors are counted only once no matter how many times they visit the site. There are some ISPs that use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, which use different IPs for every file requested, making one visitor look like many. In this case, a single IP address does not indicate a unique visitor.

As an ex-engineer, I like to do experiments on thing to see the out comes and results. Not because of the money, but for the sake of the knowledge. For me money is not everything. Knowledge comes first and money will follows. If you see banners or ads on my site, its mean that I am experimenting on something. Experiments usually take time to be accomplished. If they didn't work out well, then they will disappear.

What I would like to share with you here is how I get downlines (through my experiments), since downline seems to be so crucial and the most critical issue for marketers and salesmen. Of course there are 1001 ways to do that, but in this post I will try to show you how I get numbers of downline virally through viralURL.com and Paid to Click (PTC) in promoting the site I have experimented with for free.

Here is the proof of my downlines from Clixsense.com, a PTC website that I have been experimented with. [To view pictures clearly, right click and open link in a new tab]. Until now I'm still a free member of the clixsense.com and do not intend to upgrade to premium member to get the benefits. Why? Because I do not need that money.

And here are the statistics of the affiliate program of clixsense.com on July, August and September 2009. Please give the attention on the number of unique visitors.

My main purpose is to find ways how I could place my website on the first page of the search engines like google without investing a single cent.

I have registered to clixsense.com as a free member and was given an affiliate link thread that can be used for promoting and to get downlines for commission.

Earlier I have already registered to viralURL.com so that I could use it to promote and expose my sites to the world and of course it's also free. Upon registering, I've named my folder as 'linktoviral'. I was also given an affiliate link thread for promotion purpose.

Human seems to make mistakes. So in my experiment, I intentionally spell the word "clixsense.com" wrongly as "clicksense.com". In other word, the unique visitors that came to my promoted site are the one that are looking or searching for clicksense.com from the google search engine (other search engines didn't seems to work). You may give it a try. Actually, website with the name of clicksense.com doesn't even exist.

Lets start here. I logged in to my viralurl.com account. On the "Cloaking Section" tab under 'Add URL', I have filled the URL part with my clixsense's affiliate link thread. This is compulsory (link thread to the landing page) but the rest is optional. However, I purposely filled the Page Title part with the word "Clicksense.com' instead of 'Clixsense.com'. I have clicked yes on 'Enable credits' and viral bar to be put at the top of the landing page. The rest I just left it blank. However the keyword part was automatically filled with '24761607' by viralURL.com and still can be changed at any time if I wanted to.

viralurl.com will create a title page of "clicksense.com" and a cloaked link address of my actual clixsense.com affiliate link's address (i.e., viralurl.com/linktoviral/24761607).

Its not finished here. I need to promote the "clicksense.com" so that it will become popular and will be on the first page of the search engines list. On the "Ad Credit Section" tab, I need to manage the Viral Bar Ads, so that my text ads could earn credits.
I have already earned credits simply by enabling the credits option and using my cloaked links. To earn additional credits, I have to add Viralbar Ads to my web pages, blogs etc. The advertiser is charged 0.4 Viralbar Ad Credits for each time one of his text ads are displayed on my web page. Each time that Viralbar Ads are shown on one of my web pages, I will earn 0.2 credits. Earlier I already edit my account by listing in my web page address. If you have more web pages, it will be much better.

On the "Promotion Section" tab, I have used only 3 out of 23 promotional tools listed (i.e., Affiliate link, Text link and Banner link) and promoted its on my websites. I just leaved the other promotional tools as it is. If you would like to use it so as to promote your site quicker, be my guest. You could explore deeper about this system.

Please be advised that this system works like virus, and some of the browsers would blocked the content of the ads. If you couldn't see the ads or banners on my website with "ads by ViralURL.com" caption, its mean that your browser has blocked the ads. The rest, I've leaved it to the viralurl.com, virally promoting my site. Out of 500 unique visitors monthly, who had visited my promoted site, about 2% has became my down line.

If you have installed Google Adsense on your sites, please be reminded not to use this method to promote your sites because we have to adhere to their policies regarding invalid clicks and impressions. It stated that, clicks on Google ads must result from genuine user interest. Any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions on your Google ads is strictly prohibited. These prohibited methods include but are not limited to repeated manual clicks or impressions, using robots, automated click and impression generating tools, third-party services that generate clicks or impressions such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, autosurf, and click-exchange programs, or any deceptive software. Failure to comply with this policy may lead to your account being disabled.


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