Jana Pendapatan Pasif Dengan Telefon Bimbit

Postgraduate and Professional Development - Creating The `Niche' That Is You

EMPLOYERS and employees alike are looking for continuous improvement in their business processes and operational standards as modern management concepts evolve.

MBAs have always been valued by corporations and businesses, as they produce excellent managerial candidates who are able to lead and innovate. It used to be driven by North American business schools, which had made a mark for themselves in the field, churning out graduates that were snapped up even before graduation.

Demand was such that some of the best business schools like INSEAD and Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University opened campuses and formed collaborations in Asia to tap into the Eastern market.

Then there was the flexibility, brought about by the Internet and growing partnerships with local universities in Asia that revolutionised the industry and fuelled demand.


Jana Pendapatan Pasif Dengan Telefon Bimbit
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