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  • Setujukah anda jika saya katakan, 99.99% kegagalan Biz berpunca daripada TIADA NETWORKING?
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Green Technologies - A New Future Dawns

IT'S A revolution. It's going to take over your life: home, work, community. It's going to be the new way to live, to think and to act. Welcome to the days of going green.

Just like the agricultural revolution of the 18th century that spurred the industrial revolution into the 19th century, the green revolution has the pace and intensity to touch and change every aspect of living. In a nutshell it is a paradigm shift that scientist and environmental specialists say will save the planet and assure the continuation of the species and the survival of the planet.

This green revolution, spreading like wildfire, will create a green economy through the use of green technology, green thinking and green living. Yes, it is going to be a whole lot of green.

Governments, policymakers and think tanks worldwide assure us this is the future and that anyone not on the bandwagon is surely to lose out, not only on the advantages of the emerald wave, but also because unsustainable choices will lead to the inability to sustain livelihood or existence.

10 Richest Men in Malaysia (2015) by Forbes

Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien and some local business tycoon maintain their position in the list of the Richest Individuals in Malaysia organized by Forbes.

Tan Sri Robert Kuok, 91, is the founder of the Hotel Shangri-la and his sources of wealth are from palm oil, shipping and real estate. According to Forbes, Kuok Group controls several listed companies in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.

Here are the 10 Malaysia's richest.

1) Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien

Robert Kuok, Malaysia’s richest man, raised $300 million in 2014 with the Singapore listing of his PACC Offshore Services Holdings, Asia’s largest operator of vessels for offshore oil & gas exploration. His Kuok Group controls a slew of listed companies in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. The Chinese Malaysian tycoon made his fortune in sugar, palm oil, shipping and real estate. A big source of wealth is a stake in palm oil giant Wilmar International, which is run by nephew Kuok Khoon Hong, a Singapore billionaire. Robert Kuok also controls Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post, once the world’s most profitable daily newspaper.

Total current assets: US $ 11.3 billion (RM40.8 billion)
The main companies: Kuok Group / Kerry Group
Sources of wealth: Palm oil, shipping and real estate

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Whether you are promoting other people's products or promoting your own products - that doesn't matter because after all it is nothing but your own business and your means to earn good money. So whichever be your case, I am sure you would not want to leave money on the table and invite others to steal your share of profit.


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