NO WONDER this grass went viral all over the social media. With its endless health benefits, it is truly God’s gift to mankind. We can find this weed almost everywhere throughout the Philippines and mostly in warm countries. This grass is widely spread along river banks, settled areas and even along roads! And because of our ignorance about the abundance of its uses, it is normally ignored by many.
Many people have testified about how amazing and effective this grass is in treating common and severe illnesses. Now, we present to you the reasons behind the buzz.
What are the Health Benefits of Paragis?
#Paragis is widely used in Africa as an alternative medicine to different kinds of illnesses.
Aeta people from Porac, Pampanga used burnt dried leaves of Paragis as a repellent against insects.
Leaves of Paragis contain silicon monoxide, calcium oxide, and chlorine.
Dried leaves contain protein.
Many declared it to be anti-inflammatory, a natural antihistamine, a natural diuretic, antidiabetic, an effective anti-oxidant and has cytotoxic properties.
Parts of Paragis that Can Be Used as a Herbal Medicine
Drinking boiled leaves of Paragis or making a Paragis Tea will ease several pains and illnesses. You can also patch the minced or pulverized leaves on some conditions.
Boil the stem with leaves to achieve more effective results
Drinking boiled roots can also cure several illnesses.
Health Conditions That Can Be Cured by Paragis
Because of this plant’s antioxidant properties, this can lower the risk of growing cancer cell in your body.
#Ovarian Cyst and Myoma
Patients with ovarian cyst conditions have proven that drinking Paragis tea in a daily basis has made the cyst completely disappear.
#Kidney Problems
Paragis is a natural diuretic which increases the amount of water in our body and expells salt as urine.
Heat pounded leaves mixed with scraped coconut. Patch and bandage on the affected area.
Drink Paragis tea regularly and say goodbye to diabetes.
Apply decoction to wound to stop the bleeding.
Paragis is a strong laxative that can flush out worms and parasites from your stomach.
#Urinary Tract Infection
You may stop taking antibiotics and start drinking boiled leaves to immediately cure UTI
Lower the risk of high blood pressure by drinking boiled leaves and stems of Paragis.
You won’t be needing any medication to reduce your temperature. Just drink boiled roots of Paragis for faster and more effective results.
#Sprain (Pilay)
To have an instant relief from a sprain, patch some minced leaves on the affected area.
Reduce the appearance of dandruff. Mix minced leaves and stems with coconut oil. Use it as a shampoo and gently massage it on your scalp. It can also stop hair fall and help your hair grow back to its original thickness.
This is a type of gastroenteritis that results in diarrhea with blood. Drink boiled roots of Paragis to ease this alarming condition.
#Other Illnesses that Can Be Cured By Paragis:
Bladder Disorders
Liver Problems
Infertility in Women
Epilepsy Credit : JMW Co. Ltd Philippines



Tahukah anda, Cat Bina Paint adalah cat patuh syariah dan mendapat pengiktirafan pelbagai pihak. Setaraf dengan produk antarabangsa, Cat Bina Paint 100% keluaran Malaysia. Kenapa Patuh Syariah?

1. Pengurusan yang diiktiraf oleh SIRIM. Sijil Quality Management System ISO 2001 : 2015. Pensijilan Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti oleh SIRIM.
2. Menaik taraf pengurusan kepada pengiktirafan patuh syariah (MS 1900 : 2014). Sijil ini adalah hasil kerjasama antara SIRIM dan USIM (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia).
4. Green Tech - Bahan yang mesra alam sekitar. Daripada aspek bahan mentah, operasi kilang, bahan buangan, semuanya telah disahkan dan diiktiraf sebagai produk HIJAU.
5. Menjaga batasan dalam pemasaran. Tidak ekploitasi wanita dalam iklan. Tidak menjanjikan kualiti bulan dan bintang.
6. Pelesenan Patuh Syariah terhadap produk cat. Dikeluarkan oleh ElcorP Technology Sdn Bhd.
7. Pengiktirafan bahan yang bebas daripada DNA Porcine (DNA Babi) daripada HALVEC Laboratories. DNA Porcine ini fungsinya untuk nampakkan cat lebih berkilat dan kesan lebih menarik.


Transkripsi Live Coach Fadzil Hashim 13.2.2021

Kepada kawan-kawan yang dimuliakan oleh ALLAH swt kerana kita dipilih menjadi umat Nabi Muhammad saw. Saya nak ambil kesempatan untuk berkongsi tentang projek RM6 bilion. Projek ini sebenarnya telah kami ilham dan usahakan sejak 6 tahun yang lalu.
Insya-ALLAH momentum kita menjadi lebih kuat. Hampir setahun Malakat Mall dibuka, projek RM6 bilion ini adalah projek yang memfokuskan kepada penyatuan kuasabeli runcit.

Keadaan ekonomi tak menentu hari ini, kerana terimpak teruk kesan daripada Covid 19. Hanya beberapa sektor sahaja yang boleh berkembang sementara yang lain hanya sekadar surviving mode. Maksudnya hidup segan mati tak mahu.
Contohnya pendidikan, tadika saya hanya cuba nak kekalkan sahaja. Nak berkembang sekarang dah tak boleh. Apa itu projek 6 bilion? Ia adalah projek membina nilai perniagaan yang bernilai RM6 bilion setahun. Seumur hidup, kita pernah tak kita terlibat dalam projek RM6 bilion?
Semua tuan puan termasuk saya pasti akan berbelanja barangan runcit. Kita pasti beli ayam, sayur, beras dan gula. Tapi hari ini kebanyakan daripada kita masih berbelanja di luar ekosistem kita ataupun dalam ekosistem orang lain.
Boleh ke saya nak terlibat dalam projek RM6 bilion? Boleh. Pertama sebagai pengguna yang kita hendak ikramkan menjadi pemilik bersama projek RM6 bilion ini. Kedua, sebagai usahawan yang mempunyai peranan yang lebih sedikit daripada pengguna dengan memperoleh pendapatan yang lebih banyak dalam projek ini.


Salam sejahtera kepada anda semua…

Anda pengguna telefon bimbit?

Adakah bil atau topup bulanan anda melebihi RM30?

Adakah anda akan guna telefon bimbit sepanjang hayat?

Adakah anda inginkan kebebasan kewangan?

Jika jawapan anda kepada kesemua soalan di atas ialah “YA”, anda layak untuk menyertai kami

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Affiliate Marketer’s Guide On Making Your Facebook Ads Clickable

SCALING campaigns to similar audience sets on social media can really boost the success of the campaigns you’re running. A simple tweak, with the right targeting, can improve your conversion rates – hence your earnings from the affiliate programs you participate in. This is a fundamental guide on how to get started by scaling those campaigns on Facebook.



UBER adalah sebuah aplikasi di mana anda boleh menjana wang dengan mudah, hanya dengan menerima dan menyelesaikan permintaan perjalanan daripada penumpang di bandar anda. Anda boleh memandu dan mejana seberapa banyak yang anda mahu, kerana dengan Uber, anda adalah bos anda sendiri.

Uber adalah satu sistem pengangkutan alternatif baru pada masa kini dan sesiapa sahaja boleh menjadi rakan-pemandu Uber dengan hanya memandu kenderaan sendiri di samping dapat meraih pendapatan tambahan untuk menyara kehidupan. Perkhidmatan Uber kini dilihat menjadi satu bentuk baru gaya kehidupan masyarakat dunia khususnya pada penduduk bandar. 

How Desperate People Are

ridiculous commentI HAVE just published my new website promoting Tune Talk Tone Excel prepaid sim card at early this year. What impressed me most is how desperate people are when trying to link their site to other people websites or blogs by leaving comments that for me it is unethical.
My website is actually written in Bahasa Malaysia and I am expecting the visitor from Malaysia, but most of them came from some other countries with various ridiculous comments. One of the longest and ridiculous comment... see for yourself... Ha ha ha. However, I have corrected all the spelling error and thank you for making my day cheerful.


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