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We have Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

WHY are we afraid? Why do we dwell on worst-case scenarios and react to minor mishaps as though they are a matter of life and death?

Fear is an instinctive response when our survival is threatened or our belief systems challenged. Healthy fear is an important part of our defence mechanism which keeps us on our toes and alert to danger. But fear, if left unchecked, can grow into a neurotic anxiety that can be paralysing as it leaves us in a state of worry, panic and non-specific tension.

Constant fear undermines relationships, increases stress levels and causes unfavourable physical signs such as insomnia, exhaustion, heart palpitations, shortness of breath and dizziness.

We are routinely altered by fear during the course of a normal day - from simply feeling nervous about a new experience to repeatedly rethinking a critical comment. Like a chameleon, fear takes on disguises in the form of jealousy, anger, sadness, irritation and doubt.

How to Overcome Obesity

OBESITY rate is up all over the world. It is a condition brought about by excess body weight in the form of fat. There are various categories of obesity.

A morbidly obese person is at least 45Kg overweight and has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or above.

Obesity is found as the cause of several ailments and is responsible for lowering life expectancy. Studies have shown that obesity brings many health risks, including high blood pressure, heart disease, Type II diabetes, liver disease, stroke, sleep disorders, and even cancers.

It can also affect one physically, psychologically, and emotionally.

Several factors are responsible for obesity. Decrease in exercise is one of the reason for this. Due to a fast-paced lifestyle and busy schedule, it has become difficult for most people to take time out for extra activities and exercise.

Only in rare cases, is obesity caused by medical conditions such as hormonal problems. Basically obesity begins at home. It doesn't happen overnight and it usually starts with what you eat.

Prevention is the key to any health-related issues. Below are some steps on how to overcome obesity.

Controlling Diabetes

PEOPLE with Type 2 diabetes have a treatment option - a drug called Sitagliptin.

Sitagliptin belongs to the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 group of drugs (DPP-4) which is used to enhance the body's own ability to lower blood sugar (glucose) when it is elevated.

It comes in the form of tablets and is taken once a day, alone or in combination with other drugs. "Type 2 diabetes is a highly prevalent and serious chronic condition, a growing epidemic with clear un-met medical needs," said senior consultant endocrinologist Prof Datuk Dr Mafauzy Mohamed. "It is one of the most significant diseases affecting the modern age, and is the fifth leading cause of death globally."

Reports show that more than 98 per cent of the nearly 1.2 million Malaysians with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, more than half are unaware that they have the disease. Patients with diabetes can develop heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, vascular or neurological problems that can lead to amputations, and they can suffer increased mortality.

"People with Type 2 diabetes need to be proactive in taking measures to control the disease because it can lead to other health complications," said Dr Mafauzy.


ITS more than a year now since Google has unveiled Google+, that rivals Facebook. The service that began rolling out on June 28, 2011, which has set record as the fastest-growing social network in history, with 20 million users just within a month. The project is the culmination of a year-long project led by Vic Gundotra, Google's senior vice president of social to make Google competitive by combining all its social services in one place.

Google+ is very easy to use has many interesting features. Among the new terms introduced in Google+ are: Circles, Hangouts, Huddles and Sparks. The notification system is similar to how Facebook handles notifications, complete with a red number that increases with each additional notice.

Circles seems to redefine the way we "friend" on social networking sites.

It allows you to filter your friends, co-workers, neighbours and family into different categories or circles.

With the Circles feature, your boss and co-workers are not in the same friend pile as your college frat buddies. You are able to easily share content with certain people and not others, and it does this almost automatically. Circles also give you the ability to choose what content you share with which friends.

In the near future, Google+ will also be launched as a Desktop and mobile application for different operating systems such as Android and iOS to attract new users by providing them eases of accessibility and connectivity.

Although Google+ has many aspects similar to Facebook, there are also a number of novel features. Here are a few tips to help you start networking with Google+.

Creative Ways to Better Living

THE term `sustainable living' is all the buzz these days. While we all know how sustainable living can benefit us tremendously, it is not always the cheapest way to go. Organic food can cost more than inorganic food and energy-saving appliances cost a lot more than regular ones. It is therefore, very easy to see why people oftentimes choose to take the cheaper route.

With a little bit of creativity, we can find ways and means of living a greener life just by changing our daily habits. As the cliché `a little bit goes a long way' goes, our little bit will certainly benefit the planet in the long run making it a more livable place the future generation.

Top 5 Tips for Green Agriculture

1. Use unmodified seeds. Genetically modified seeds will cause a change in the soil and make it lose its fertility. Consuming food from modified seeds can also potentially cause harm to our bodies.

2. Avoid chemical pesticides. Using natural pesticides will keep insects away but not kill them.

3. Use rainwater. Collect rainwater in large buckets and tubs and use it to water plants in the dry season.

4. Dig deep. Dig twice as deep when planting seeds as this will allow the root to penetrate deeper into the soil to get more oxygen.

5. Use compost. Compost is made from animal manure, leaves, grass and fruit peels. To make good compost, make sure it is aerated and watered adequately. This compost will help increase the fertility of the soil, save water and reduce plant diseases.


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